Sunday, January 5, 2025

New Orleans - 2 variations on St. James Infirmary

After the tragic event on January 1st, 2025, it seemed appropriate to post a couple of performances - each with its distinct flavour - of a song closely related to the city of New Orleans. St. James Infirmary.

Pam and I stayed with friends in NOLA a few years ago. We heard the song played everywhere; in small jazz venues, on street corners, and in food venues such as the Cafe du Monde, all in the French quarter. A grand time was had by all. It was the Jazz Festival. Streets were crowded, everyone was smiling.

First, is an award-winning Canadian band, living on a small island off the west coast, Blue Moon Marquee. Exceptionally talented, their take on St. James Infirmary.

Next, New Orleans legend Trombone Shorty. At the Obama White House.

New Orleans will always rise from turmoils visited upon it - whether storms or terror attacks.

Thank you New Orleans!!!


darmstadtdylandays said...

Hello Bob, hello Northland and all our Community,
thanks for sharing these two clips of I WENT DOWN TO ST.JAMES INFIRMARY and I want to add the Bob Dylan performance from January 2012 in the Hollywood Bowl of Blind Wilie Mc Tell. Last summer all were there on the jazz festival and it was one huge statement for COMMUNITY. Nobody will drive us away from this road, if it is the French Quartier, the Las Vegas playgrounds or the Magdeburg market places. Not for 100 years, or 400 years, or to year 0. We just stay. When Bob Dylan played Frankfurt last fall, he made it clear as it can be, with a super-loud instrumental prelude to ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER- looking straight in everyone eyes with "me and you we´ve been through this - by the way it´s TOO MUCH MONITORING - Jerry to Phil -Monitor ? Monitor ! I check yours, You check mine.
So Bob, keep on keeping on. Greetings to your wife
Greetings fom Darmstadt - a european hot spot for JAZZ & Things DYLAN.

Robert W. Harwood said...

Thank you for that, Marco. As ever, all my respect for your undertakings.
Oh! Great Blind Willie McTell video!

Inquiries into the early years of SJI