Tuesday, December 13, 2011
MP3 Monologue 2 - The "Let Her Go" Verse
So, dear listeners, here is part two of this blog's SJI audio monologue series. In this episode, continuing where we left off, we consider some - and I emphasize "some" - of the history of the "Let Her Go" verse in SJI. It's about three minutes long. To listen, click on the following: "Let Her Go" MP3.
Next time, we'll take a break from these aural discussions and look at something else entirely.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Ruminations on "Let Her Go"
Over at No Notes, Rob Walker has posted a lengthy rumination on "St. James Infirmary" and its "Let Her Go" verse. As always, his writing is vivid and captivating. I too had been pondering the almost - or seemingly - haphazard injection of the "let her go" sentiment, and how it gives the song its peculiar aura. Rob's conclusion is well worth reading, but I advise none to rush to the end of his narrative - there is great pleasure to be had in the journey.
Friday, August 28, 2009
On the Trail of "Let Her Go, God Bless Her"

"She's Gone, Let Her Go," with its chorus that is so familiar from SJI, appears on page 72. The melody is utterly ordinary, a kind of parlor ditty that one could imagine being sung by hearty fellows in argyle sweaters, gathered around a piano with drinks in their hands. The lyric is the same as that identified in a March 21st entry on this blog, from the 1909 Harvard song book. The fact that it has appeared in at least two of these books, and that it is joined by only twenty-six others in this 1902 book, attests to its popularity at the time - at least among students at Harvard.
While in "St. James Infirmary" this lyric gives the song a sinister quality, here it is as if the singer is saying about a woman who has left him, "It's your loss, Toots." Regardless of the fickleness of love, t

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
And yet another "Let Her Go, God Bless Her" post
There's been a change in the sea
If they'll give me back my sweet mama

She may ramble on boats on the sea
She may travel this wide world all over
But she'll never find a friend like me
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
One more "Let Her Go" lyric
Let her go, go, I'll meet her
Let her go, go, I'll meet her
Let her go, go, God bless her so
She is mine wherever she may be
I may be killed on the ocean
I may be killed by a cannonball
But let me tell you buddy
That a woman was the cause of it all
The Rutherford & Foster variation puts it like this:
I have a ship on the ocean
A boat that sails on the sea
Has sure made a fool out of me
Lyrics to "Let Her Go, I'll Meet Her"
- Recorded by Rutherford and Foster, 1929
Oh where did you stay last night
Yes, and the night before
I stayed in the pines where the sun never shines
And shivered when the cold wind blew
Let her go, go, I’ll meet her
Let her go, go , I’ll meet her
Let her go, go , God bless her so
She is mine wherever she may be
Sometimes I live in the country
Sometimes I live in town
Sometimes I take a fool notion like this
To jump in the river and drown
Let her go, go, I’ll meet her
Let her go, go , I’ll meet her
Let her go, go , God bless her so
She is mine wherever she may be
I have a ship on the ocean
A boat that sails on the sea
A pretty girl that lives in the country, boys
Has sure made a fool out of me
Let her go, go, I’ll meet her
Let her go, go , I’ll meet her
Let her go, go , God bless her so
She is mine wherever she may be
Thursday, April 9, 2009
"Let Her Go, God Bless Her" mp3 - Willie Trice

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
"Let Her Go, God Bless Her" mp3 - the Louvin Brothers

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Let her go, God bless her - dated 1909
They say true love is a blessing,
But the blessing I never could see,
For the only girl I ever loved
Has done gone back on me.
She's gone, let her go, God bless her,
For she's mine wherever she may be,
You may roam this wide world all over,
But you'll never find a friend like me.
There may be a change in the weather,
There may be a change in the sea,
There may be a change all over,
But there'll never be a change in me.
It's easy to think of this as the likely inspiration for the song discussed in the entry below.